CEG Hostel Management System (CEGHOMES) involved creating an online hostel registration system for the freshers joining college and also a re-registration system for the already existing students. As this was our Alma-Mater we were inspired to create something our Institution deserved.
The catch in this project was that the existing student data records weren’t perfect. Hence the App had to ensure that it would be as easy entering data for any missing students as the whole process of re-registration. On the whole the project was a success and the institution proud of its Alumni.

CEG Homes platform has number of essential features regarding the complete hostel management and registration/re-registration process.Easy-to-manage student data is the key that enabled our Alma-Mater to adopt this as a complete hostel solution.
Our Hostel management process had inbuilt a simple but efficient photo system that could be activated by either a webcam or the inbuilt cam so that the students did not need to take and upload their photos in a extended tedious procedure.

The tiniest details are taken into consideration for our student community in the CEG Homes project. we make sure no data is missed during the registration/re-registration process.